tirsdag den 18. december 2012

I wuz not sad :I

I was not gonna be sad,I swear I tried to stay happy, but I failed... I just wanna die... It's not fair! why can't I be as happy as they seem? they're happily in love, sneaking of in the middle of class, together, though most people don't know... I'd want to be like that? so how come I can't? :(

I guess it's because I'm busy? unlike most of my classmates, I tend to do all of my homework, and send in all of our reports and essays, in good time, which means not the night before due date.
And it takes alot of my sparetime I know that, but I still get alot of sleep and I try to seem as happy as I can :I

But as soon as I'm alone, I get an urge to curl up in the corner and cry untill there's nothing left inside of me. Everything just gets worse... I guess I just can't really cope with lonelyness...

mandag den 10. december 2012

I'm sad, oh so sad.

There are tons of beautiful young girls out there.. but I won't ever be one of you
So please, let me just sit here for a while, pity my self
and start digging a grave for a less beautiful mind....

God gave us
Eyes to see
Smiles to give
Lips to kiss
Hands to hold
And minds to think of one another
But to me these things don't seems to come easy

It seems to be
That the world and me
Have lost our beauty
If we ever had any

mandag den 3. december 2012

Our Love

Oh darling
We could have a ball
You and I
A privat little war
Only let the world see our smiles
As we kill eachother softly
Never letting go
Breaking every bone

Oh darling
we could have a feast
you and I
release the inner beasts
Tears and blood
Unite in a sweet sacrifice
no one survives

Oh darling
we could celebrate
you and I
Each others deaths
Women will cry, Children shall weep
but no one will ever see
what we hid underneath

Oh darling
Let us disappear
you and I
into the night
and let them sleep tight
under the bloody stars